Wednesday, June 11, 2008

"Green" Bags & CFL Bulbs at Harvest Market

The City of Elgin will be giving away 200 "Green Bags" and energy efficient CFL light bulbs to Harvest Market customers on Thursday, June 12th from 10 am to 6 pm. Harvest Market is in the Civic Center parking lot at the corner of Highland and Douglas in downtown Elgin. You can purchase an assortment of fruits, vegetables, flowers, delicious jams, healthy gourmet dog treats, bread, pies, muffins and scones, free range meats and eggs, cheese, pickles, and olive oil.

Pics of the bag, CFL bulb, Cheddar Jalapeño bread and the bag tag.
Go to to find out more about the city's green efforts.
The 250 bags ran out at 1pm. Everyone that received one can return next week and use it to carry their purchases home.

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