Friday, May 20, 2005

New Twist for the May Out to Lunch

Please join us for Out to Lunch on Monday, May 23rd at 12 Noon.
It will take place at the DNA office at 2 Douglas and will feature Downtown's own tasty Quiznos Subs and City Manager Femi Folarin.
It is an excellent opportunity to view the the Judson College City Center Visions display. This project has to be seen to be appreciated and it ends May 31st.
Your box lunch includes chips, cookie, a canned drink, and of course a 6'' sub - your choice of Ham & Swiss, Turkey Lite, or Mesquite Chicken with Bacon - for $6.75.
You must RSVP to DNA with the sub of your choice if you are planning to attend this event (No shows will be billed). Call (847)488-1456 to reserve your lunch.

Monday's are the slowest day of the week for most restaurants so traditionaly we have Out to Lunch on the last Monday of the month. Since the last Monday this month is Memorial Day the date has been changed.

in progress: An Art Exhibit at Simple Balance

When: May 27th - June 3rd
Opening reception May 27th 7 - 9 pm
Simple Balance Holistic Center
221 E. Chicago St.
Elgin, IL 60120
847.468.6019 or Nadine Mitchell 773.450.2798
Who: Seven artists in transition

Elgin Jaycees Poker Run

When: Saturday, May 21st at 6:30 pm
What: Elgin Jaycees Poker Run
50/50 Raffle, door prizes, $10 per hand
Where: Downtown Elgin
6:30 – 7:15 pm The Fox Hole Bar
7:15 – 8:00 pm Café Magdalena's
8:00 – 8:45 pm Prairie Rock
8:45 – 9:00 pm The Mission Nightclub
9:00pm The Martini Room
Last card drawn at 10:00 pm

For more information, please call 224-629-7458

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Grand Opening of Elgin Windmill Factory Antiques

What: Grand Opening of Elgin Windmill Factory Antiques
Cookout, picnic, prizes, gifts, live bluegrass and folk music and more
When: Saturday, May 21st at 12 pm
Where: 80 N. State St. (Route 31) Elgin, IL

See previous post for more information.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Free Leadership Seminar

All grass-roots leaders, Volunteers with local neighborhood associations, church groups and other civic nonprofits
Led by veteran community leaders Dan Fox and Don Waters, the seminar is designed to help local volunteers more effectively contribute to their organizations.
The community room of State Financial Bank, 2001 Larkin Ave. in Elgin.
Saturday, June 4th from 8 a.m. to noon
The Elgin Community Network is sponsoring the June 4 training. It includes a complimentary continental breakfast. To register, call Neighborhood Housing Services of Elgin at (847) 695-0399.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Crystal Street Beautification Project

I spotted members of the Near West Neighbors working on the railroad bank at Crystal and Chicago. They have transformed a once overgrown and neglected area into a view to enjoy. This has been a key project in the neighborhood for many years. In 1999, I worked removing debris and clearing brush with ROPE officer Rob Hartman. It was a Leadership Academy community service project. There is more to come for this site as the group has plans for other improvements. It's amazing what a difference a small group of dedicated individuals can make in a neighborhood.

Elgin Fire Station 6 Dedication

The new fire station at 707 W Chicago was dedicated on May 14th at 10:30 am.

A large crowd both young and more seasoned was onhand to welcome the firefighters to the neighborhood. Mayor Schock acknowledged the efforts of the neighborhood to bring the station to Chicago Street.

Police Officer Memorial Service

The Elgin Police Department is hosting the Annual Police Officer Memorial Service Monday, May 16th at 2:30 pm. It will be held in front of the police station at 151 Douglas Ave. The service is held annually to pay respect to officers who were killed in the line of duty locally and across the country as well as those members who have passed away during the past year.

The week of May 15th through May 21st is National Police Week.