Okay...fingers crossed, knocking on wood, rubbing lots of lucky rabbits feet...are you ready to celebrate Blackhawks fans? One more win until Chicago's ONE GOAL is fulfilled: winning Lord Stanley's Cup! Bring your playoff beards to Downtown Elgin where there are plenty of hotspots to get your "Cup" on for Game 6 tonight:
Douglas Street Sports Bar & Grill at 231 Douglas Avenue (35 cent wings, $3 Bud Light 16 oz. cans)
Gasthaus at 15 N. Grove Avenue
La Quebrada Restaurant at 50 N. Spring Street
Elgin Public House at 219 E. Chicago Street
Mad Maggies at 51 S. Grove Avenue
The Roadhouse/Main Event at 200 Prairie Street
All of these establishments will be showing Game 6 tonight at 7pm (and, heaven forbid, Game 7 on Friday night) so bring your "squad" out! GAME ON!
Now onto this week's Live Music & Entertainment Scene:
Mad Maggies
51 S. Grove
Wednesday, June 9
Sleep Serpsis Sleep with The Gun Show, Thyatiera, Inocula and Unreckoned - 6:00pm
Thursday, June 10
Geronimo with Oh Well, Solar Bear, An Aesthetic Anaesthetic and The Please & Thank Yous - 7:30pm
Friday, June 11
Eternal Dawn with Sage 4, Spirits Asunder and Zmeu - 5:00pm
Shifter - 10:30pm
Saturday, June 12
Savanna Road with Dysfunctional Mariachi and Innertragic - 7:30pm
Sunday, June 13
In Media Res with Demolisher, Erjony, Face the Frontline, Through the Fire and Scavenger - 7:00pm
Elgin Public House/Pub 217
219 E. Chicago Street
Friday, June 11
Saturday, June 12
Sunday, June 13
Irish Sessions
The Roadhouse/Main Event
200 Prairie Street
Friday, June 11
Halfpint Brawlers
Sunday, June 13
Powerman 5000 - First Band 9:00pm, Headliner 10:00pm, ALL AGES SHOW!
Also don't miss out on two of Elgin's performing arts gems this weekend: Elgin Symphony Orchestra and Elgin OPERA.
The Elgin Symphony Orchestra closes out their monumental 60th Season with a chilling performance entitled Symphonie Fantastique. All performances are conducted at The Hemmens Cultural Center, 45 Symphony Way in Elgin, Showtimes are Friday, June 11 at 1:30pm, Saturday, June 12 at 8:00pm and Sunday, June 13 at 3:30pm and great seats are available for as low as $15! For more information, visit the ESO website at http://www.elginsymphony.org/
The Elgin OPERA's 2nd Annual Summer Music Festival begins this weekend and runs every weekend through July 11 at the Kimball Street Theater, located on the first level of the new Rider Center on the campus of Elgin Academy at 261 Dundee Avenue. This weekend's shows include German Lieder Night - Schubert, Schumann, Strauss & more on Friday, June 11 at 7:30pm and A French Evening - Fauré, Debussy, Massenet and more on Saturday, June 12 at 7:30pm. Tickets are $15 for Adults, $13 for Seniors and Students and $10 for Elgin OPERA Guild Members. For more information or to purchase tickets contact Elgin OPERA at 847.695.5014, via email: office@elginopera.org, or visit http://www.elginopera.org/
Remember that bands, ticket prices and performance times are subject to change so we ask that you please call or visit each venue's website for ticket information, performance times or for any applicable cover charges.