You can walk, bike or drive a little easier to the businesses on Douglas Avenue in Downtown Elgin now that the brick crosswalks are in! The businesses invite you to celebrate this small victory with them with special promotions May 7-21.
Douglas Street Sports Bar & Grill
231 Douglas
$5 Lunch Specials
Quiznos Subs
59 Douglas
$3 Bullets, $4 Torpedos, $5 Everyday Value Subs
The Razors Edge
55 Douglas
10% off all services (hair, nails, waxing, massage)
(847) 742-5211
Keeney’s Sporting Goods & PK’s Antiques
19 Douglas
10% off baseball and soccer stuff
10% off anything in the basement!
Steffen, Kelly & Steffen – Attorneys at Law
17 Douglas
30-Minute Free Consultation
Bangkok House-Shanghai Restaurant
11 Douglas
10% off entire bill (just print this out and bring it with you!)
(847) 742-1460
Villa Verone
13 Douglas
$5 House Wine by the Glass
Shockey Jewelers
18 Douglas
The New Elgin Ornaments are In!
First Sherman Hospital and Hiawatha Pageant - $22.50
Tongue N Chic Dental Boutique
14 Douglas
$10 exams and $32 cleanings for new patients
Downtown Neighborhood Association of Elgin
2 Douglas
Buy $10 in Downtown Gift Certificates, get a FREE Rediscover Downtown T-Shirt
Please remember to support all our downtown businesses during the construction process. You can get up-to-date construction progress information at, or send us an email and we will sign you up for our weekly Downtown Construction Update.
6 years ago