No more time to procrastinate, it's time to whip out the passports you have picked up this past week or print them from our website and map your day tomorrow.
I have found that there are three kinds of people that will attend this event...
First type, has probably already mapped out the attractions they want to see, the specific time entertainment is showing(like Books at Sunset's Polar Express at 2pm), is having lunch and dinner in Downtown Elgin (even made reservations), and will probably shop while their husband takes the kids to see one of the animal attractions (sledding dogs, live nativity, reindeer) for the third time.
Second type, has to see a little bit of everything and will not only go to Window Wonderland, but will go to the Kim's Black Belt Academy breakfast 9-11am, will donate a toy and canned food to Salvation Army in their bright red collection barrels, eat lunch in Downtown, go on the NENA House Tour, will grab a coffee, finish Window Wonderland with their picture of Santa, have dinner, and then go to the Elgin Symphony's night concert.
Third type, will decide to come last minute, be surprised all that is hiding in Downtown Elgin at 30 passport stops, 10 extra attractions, 41 windows in the Window Wonderland contest, and will probably make some impulse buys, along with great buys and specials through the various discounts being offered by retailers and restaurants. (Check out the passport link for more info)
Whichever one you are, I can't wait to all types tomorrow on a thirty something degree weather with some sun!!
6 years ago