Construction Continues on New Water Main
Work will begin on the installation of the new water main on Spring Street between Chicago Street and Dupage Street. On Monday, April 16th, traffic control will be set up to allow construction of the new water main. Northbound traffic on Spring Street between DuPage Street and Chicago Street will not be allowed during this phase. Northbound traffic will be diverted east on DuPage Street to Villa Street. During this period of construction, two-way traffic will be maintained on south Grove Street and motorist wishing to travel northbound may want to use Grove Ave as an alternative. Southbound traffic on Spring Street will be allowed.
Sidewalk and curb and gutter restoration on south Grove Ave between Chicago Street and Fulton may begin on Wednesday. While two way traffic will be maintained, there may be times when flaggers will be directing single lane of traffic around the construction operation. Motorists are asked to pay attention when traveling through this area and to avoid the construction zone whenever possible.
Specific questions regarding the construction can be directed to Shelley Costello with TranSystems at 847-871-3185 or at her office in the back of the Downtown Neighborhood Association office at 2 Douglas Ave.
For general information on the project, please contact Steve Pertzborn, Senior Engineer, at 847-931-5955.
6 years ago