The Downtown Neighborhood Association (DNA) of Elgin's next monthly "Out to Lunch" meeting will be Monday, May 23 at Villa Verone Ristorante Italiano, 13 Douglas Avenue. Networking begins at 11:45AM and the program runs Noon-1:15PM.
The featured guest speaker for May will be Elgin Symphony Orchestra Music Director and Conductor Robert Hanson, who will preview ESO's final concert of the 2010-2011 season, Tchiakovsky and Rachmaninoff, June 10-12 at The Hemmens Cultural Center, 45 Symphony Way.
For $12 per person (all inclusive with tax & tip included - cash only) guests will enjoy a delicious lunch buffet featuring Caprese, Penne Al Fonno, Farfala w/Sun-Dried Tomatoes, Pollo Milanese and Homemade Cream Puffs and your choice of Soft Drinks or Coffee.
RSVP with your name and e-mail address by phone at 847.488.1456 or via e-mail at jpawlowski@elginil.org by no later than Friday, May 20.
Upcoming Out to Lunch speakers include Dr. Eugene McMahon, President and CEO of Provena St. Joseph Hospital, and City of Elgin Mayor David Kaptain. Dates and locations to be announced.
The Out to Lunch Meetings, presented by the DNA and typically conducted on the last Monday of each month, are an effort to engage the public by showcasing a different downtown Elgin restaurant each month and featuring guest speakers and topics relevant to the community. Recent Out to Lunch guest speakers have included City Manager Sean Stegall, Police Chief Jeff Swoboda, Downtown Elgin Harvest Market Manager Jennifer Benson and YWCA Elgin Events Coordinator Deirdre White.