Saturday, August 23, 2008

Downtown Blog in a Cloud

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Walking Around in Downtown

You would have hardly recognized Downtown Elgin last Friday night.

There were people down here. A lot of them. And they were having a great time at our bars and restaurants. Imagine that.

It’s happening, people. Downtown Elgin is coming back to life.

More than a thousand people from throughout the Fox Valley came downtown for Elgin’s 4th annual pub crawl. There were 25 year olds, 40 year olds, 55 year olds . . . even an 82 year old guy – and he was the life of the party.

There were a few people who took the name of the event literally and were crawling into cabs by the end of the night. But the overwhelming majority of people left with symptoms that were nothing a couple aspirins couldn’t handle.

The big news of the night was the raffle for the Harley Davidson. Congratulations to Adam Murray, who is certainly not reading this article because he lives in Arizona. Go figure. But after a week of leaving him messages saying, “Hey, you won a Harley, call us back,” he finally called back. And now he is moving back to Elgin. Go figure.

I have to say a big thanks to Geoffrey Sands, Kim Parsons and the Elgin Jaycees for organizing the pub crawl. These people directly contributed to making an economic impact of more than $20,000 on the downtown that evening – not to mention the ripple effect of pub crawlers returning to downtown at a later date for dinner, a cup of coffee, a show at the Hemmens, or to buy a gift.

The following day, when pub crawlers were sleeping off the remnants of the night, a fresh crowd of people was taking to the streets of downtown for an event called Walkabout: Theatre on your Feet.

Theatre-goers enjoyed skits by local theater companies in the downtown shops and restaurants of Lily Falls Gift Boutique, Ravenheart Coffee, Elgin Books, Elgin Public House and Al’s Café. And where once was a beer garden in Fountain Square just hours the night before became an Alley of Art, with works of art by local artists on display.

If you missed it, don’t worry. There’s no need to be so dramatic. You have one more chance to experience the Walkabout and Alley of Art on August 30. Tickets are $12 at the door but you have to reserve a space by calling (847) 841-1713. You can learn more at

It was another great weekend in Downtown Elgin. If you’re one of those people who are still down on Downtown, you should realize that your species is quickly becoming extinct. Come on, join in the fun. There’s something for everyone.

Learn more about what’s happening at

Downtown Elgin Top 10 List - August 21, 2008

Top 10 List
1 - Harvest Market
2 - Brown Bag
3 - Sidewalk Sales
4 - Out to Lunch
5 - Comedy
6 - Theater & Art
7 - Library Card Sign-Up
8 - Asian Fest
9 - Car Show
10 - DNA Gala

Click to view details

Click here to have the Top 10 List delivered to you every week. All those who sign up in August will be placed in a drawing to win a $10 gift card from Ravenheart Coffee.