Final Stages of Phase 4 Streetscape Work Continue
Phase 4 improvements of the CDB Streetscape Project will be winding down over the next few weeks. The remaining work includes street paving and crosswalk installation.
The City, DNA and TranSystems have come up with a plan to complete the majority of the remaining work by mid-November. Special attention has been given to allow as much access to local businesses as possible as we push through this final phase.
November 15-22
1. Closure of the south side of Highland to complete the second half of the crosswalks.
2. Closure of Spring Street from south of Division through the south side of Highland for the full installation of three crosswalks.
3. Closure of the northbound side of Grove Court. Access to and from Grove Court will only be allowed for postal deliveries to the Post Office and for post office vehicles. Public parking will be in the Civic Center parking lot only. Pedestrian access from the Civic Center parking lot will be available.
4. Full closure of Grove Avenue at the south side of Highland Avenue to allow construction of the full crosswalk.
Traffic Detour
Click here for this week's detour map > > >
Northbound traffic on Spring Street will be detoured east on Chicago Street to Villa/Center Street, north on Center Street to Division Street, west on Division to Spring Street where traffic can continue northbound on Spring Street. Motorists reaching the Spring Street / Grove Avenue / Fulton Street intersection and who wish to access Spring Street north of Division Street have the option of turning left on Grove Avenue and continuing north on Douglas Avenue to Division Street. At Division Street, turn right to Spring Street where you can then continue northbound on Spring Street.
Southbound traffic on Spring Street will be detoured west on Symphony Way to Douglas Avenue, south on Douglas Avenue to Chicago Street, east on Chicago Street to Spring Street where they can continue southbound on Spring Street.
Parking for and access to the Post Office will be from the Civic Center Parking lot.
Access to businesses on north Grove Avenue will be available from Chicago Street.
Crosswalks on Division Street (east and west of Spring Street) and all crosswalks on Center Street between Kimball St. and Dundee Avenue will be done in the spring.
The City's payment drop box has been temporarily relocated during construction. To access the drop box, enter the Civic Center Parking lot from Douglas Avenue. Vehicular access to the drop box will be available in a drive up lane set up in the parking area along the north side of this entrance. The drop box will remain in its temporary location until the new center planter/wall is built in Dexter Court.
Specific questions regarding the construction can be directed to Shelley Costello with TranSystems at 847-871-3185 or to Tonya Hudson with the DNA at 847-488-1456.
Weekly progress meetings for the Central Business District construction project are held on Thursdays at 8:30 a.m. at the construction office located at 201 E. Chicago Street. Business and property owners are invited to attend the first 15 minutes of the meeting if they have any questions or concerns regarding the construction.
For general information on the project, please contact Joe Evers at 847-931-5955 or visit the City's website at and click the Gettin' Around in Downtown icon.
6 years ago