It's Happening DowntownThe Dinosaurs have Arrived at the Gail Borden Library!!
Along with dinosaurs around the Downtown for "Dinos on Parade" the dinosaurs are in place at the library. The ribbon cutting for the
African Dinosuar Exhibit is Tuesday, September 6th. So bring your friends and family to the see the Dinosaurs between September 6th - December 30th at the Gail Borden Library!!
2005 Citizens Police Academy - Tuesday September 6th - October 18th
It's not too late to get your application or contact Paula Emerson at 847.289.2588 to be an Elgin Citizen Cop! This 8 week session will be every Tuesday from 6:30-9:30pm.
Harvest Market - Thursday, September 8th
Located in the Civic parking lot next to the Elgin post office this weekly happening is every Thursday from 12pm-6pm.
So head on over as the last day of the Harvest Market is September 22nd! Call DNA for more info 847.488.1456.
Neighborhood Watch Meeting - Thursday September 8th @ 7pm
This meeting will be held in the Elgin police station and is a good opportunity to learn more about the Neighborhood watch groups and possibly join :)
2005 Day of Caring - United Way of Elgin's Extreme Community Makeover - Friday, September 9th If you have signed up already don't forget to go to your project and enjoy the free breakfast and lunch.
For more info or to volunteer last minute call United Way at 847.741.2259
How Does Your Salsa Size Up? Enter it in the Salsa Challenge at Fiesta Salsa and get your share of the $2000 in prize money.
Last day to register is September 9th.
Go to or call 847.468.7212 for more information.
The Midwest Vintage Clothing, Jewelry, and Textiles Sale and Show – September 9th & 10th Friday 5-10pm Sat 10am-5pm
This is a great event for all of you who enjoy the antique, unique, and most interesting.(This would include myself!) With over 75 dealers there will be plenty to go around. You can even get a discount if you dress in vintage! This terrific show is located at the Hemmens Cultural Center. And even if you are not in the mood for buying there will be certified appraiser and a jewelry repair on site. There will be admission at the door, for more information call 847.428.8368.
24th Annual Elgin Historic House Tour – September 10th & 11th 10am-5pm
House guides will show you all of the nooks and crannies each house has to offer, along with any juicy stories! And what do you know, tickets are on sale in the Downtown at Al's Cafe & Creamery and Ziegler's Ace Hardware. A big thanks to the Gifford Park Association who made this event possible. $20 at the door, $10 students
For more information call 847.695.4022 or go on the web to Centricised at the Centre - September 10th 8:30am-2pm
Yes ladies. It is true. No men allowed. Here is a day set aside exclusively for you to check out what the Centre has to offer for your fitness, health, and enjoyment.
Hey, there's even babysitting services offered that day. So try the fitness classes, try the equipment, refreshments, rock climbing, and spa treatments!
For more information call 847.531.7000.
Peace Pole Dedication, First Congregational Church - Sunday, September 11th 11:30 am
256 E. Chicago Street. Call 847.741.4045 for the details .
Literary Fundraiser at the Martini Room - Sunday, September 11th 6:30pm
Like going to Fundraiser galas? Want to go to a book club with a little more pizzazz? It’s time to go to a Literary Fundraiser where you can lounge, talk books, read from your favorite books, drink a Martini, and raise money for the Literacy program at the same time!! This event is sponsored by the Books at Sunset and The Martini Room.
To RSVP call 847.888.1860 and to become a volunteer tutor for the Literary Connection contact 847.742.6565.
Downtown Elgin Flea Market - Saturday September 24th 9am-3pm
Looking for Vendors!! So call the Downtown Neighborhood Association to get your space at 847.488.1456. Don’t miss it!!!
Are you aware of other activities going on in the Downtown that DNA needs to promote?
Please call (847.488.1456) or
e-mail DNA with the details.