The DNA's fifth annual Downtown Elgin Car Show - Presented by Ken Stepps State Farm takes place Saturday, September 10 from 9AM-3PM at the Civic Parking Lot at Highland and Douglas Avenue.
Registration and Check-In Procedures for Participants:
•Registration begins at 9AM sharp! We will have minimal staff on hand at the Civic Lot setting things up so if you do arrive early, we would appreciate your patience in waiting until we are completely set up at 9AM to take your registration info.
•If you have pre-registered AND pre-paid for your vehicle in advance, you just need to provide our check-in volunteers with your name so they can check you off the list. You will then receive your complimentary Car Show dash plaque and instructions on where to park your vehicle.
•If you have pre-registered but did not pre-pay, our volunteer will also collect your information and the $5 registration fee from you. You will then receive your complimentary Car Show dash plaque and instructions on where to park your vehicle.
•If you did not pre-register your vehicle, you will need to fill out a Car Show registration form and pay the $5 registration fee. Supplies permitting, you will then receive your complimentary Car Show dash plaque (they are first come, first served to non-preregistered particpants) and instructions on where to park your vehicle.
•Participants will be handed a ballot at check-in to vote for your Top 3 vehicles in show. Please return your completed ballot to the DNA volunteer at the check-in tent before 1PM.
•Car Show patrons can pick up their People's Choice Ballots at the DNA check-in tent. Ballots must be returned to the DNA volunteer at the check-in tent before 1PM.
•Awards will be presented at 2:30PM.
•Plaques will be awarded to the 2nd-5th Place winners (based on our participants' votes) and a trophy to our Best in Show. There will also be a People's Choice Award trophy - as selected by guests in attendance at the Car Show.
The forecast is calling for a chance of rain on Saturday, thus we are enacting the following procedures should weather become an issue:
Prior to 9AM
•If there is heavy or sustained rain or threat of lightning in the area prior to 9AM, we will postpone the Car Show until Saturday, September 17, Civic Lot, 9AM-3PM.
•Light rain or drizzle will not cause the Car Show to be postponed.
After 9AM
•The Car Show will go on rain or shine. If the weather becomes a bigger issue after the Car Show has started, we will wait it out as long as possible then, if necessary, cancel the remainder of the show. We would not reschedule.
We will be keeping an eye on the weather beginning at 7AM that morning and will post updates about the status of the Car Show at DowntownElgin.com and on DNA's Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Registration and Check-In Procedures for Participants:
•Registration begins at 9AM sharp! We will have minimal staff on hand at the Civic Lot setting things up so if you do arrive early, we would appreciate your patience in waiting until we are completely set up at 9AM to take your registration info.
•If you have pre-registered AND pre-paid for your vehicle in advance, you just need to provide our check-in volunteers with your name so they can check you off the list. You will then receive your complimentary Car Show dash plaque and instructions on where to park your vehicle.
•If you have pre-registered but did not pre-pay, our volunteer will also collect your information and the $5 registration fee from you. You will then receive your complimentary Car Show dash plaque and instructions on where to park your vehicle.
•If you did not pre-register your vehicle, you will need to fill out a Car Show registration form and pay the $5 registration fee. Supplies permitting, you will then receive your complimentary Car Show dash plaque (they are first come, first served to non-preregistered particpants) and instructions on where to park your vehicle.
•Participants will be handed a ballot at check-in to vote for your Top 3 vehicles in show. Please return your completed ballot to the DNA volunteer at the check-in tent before 1PM.
•Car Show patrons can pick up their People's Choice Ballots at the DNA check-in tent. Ballots must be returned to the DNA volunteer at the check-in tent before 1PM.
•Awards will be presented at 2:30PM.
•Plaques will be awarded to the 2nd-5th Place winners (based on our participants' votes) and a trophy to our Best in Show. There will also be a People's Choice Award trophy - as selected by guests in attendance at the Car Show.
The forecast is calling for a chance of rain on Saturday, thus we are enacting the following procedures should weather become an issue:
Prior to 9AM
•If there is heavy or sustained rain or threat of lightning in the area prior to 9AM, we will postpone the Car Show until Saturday, September 17, Civic Lot, 9AM-3PM.
•Light rain or drizzle will not cause the Car Show to be postponed.
After 9AM
•The Car Show will go on rain or shine. If the weather becomes a bigger issue after the Car Show has started, we will wait it out as long as possible then, if necessary, cancel the remainder of the show. We would not reschedule.
We will be keeping an eye on the weather beginning at 7AM that morning and will post updates about the status of the Car Show at DowntownElgin.com and on DNA's Facebook and Twitter accounts.
We look forward to a great weekend of activities in downtown Elgin - including the Car Show, Next Wave Art Salon, Elgin Historic House Tour, 9/11 Memorial Ceremony and Concert of Rememberance at Hemmens. Join us!