Central Business District (CBD) Street Resurfacing and Streetscape Program
Weather permitting, construction of the new water main from Chicago Street south down South Grove Avenue will begin the week of December 11, 2006. This work will be done at night in order to minimize impact on downtown businesses and the motoring public. The far right lane on Chicago Street from the river to just east of South Grove Avenue will be closed as well as South Grove Avenue between Chicago Street and Prairie Street. The lane closures will begin at 9 p.m. each evening and will be reopened before 5 a.m. the following morning.
Parking along South Grove Avenue will not be allowed during the lane closures. All vehicles should be removed prior to 9 p.m.
Traffic wishing to travel north from Prairie or Fulton Street can use Spring Street as an alternate.
For further information, please contact Steve Pertzborn, Senior Engineer, at 847-931-5955.
6 years ago