Installation of brick paver sidewalks continues on the north side of Highland Avenue from Grove Court to Center Street and should conclude this week.
Removal of the remaining portion of the existing sidewalk on the south side of Highland, grading and placing aggregate base for the new sidewalk begins on Friday, September 17. New sidewalk and concrete base for brick pavers will be poured during the week of September 20 also. Installation of the new brick pavers will begin the week of September 27.
Installation of the new water main on Dexter Court will begin on Wednesday, September 22. This work will be done during overnight hours, generally 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. This work is expected to continue on Thursday and possibly Friday evenings as well.
Work on the reconstruction of Grove Court is expected to begin on Monday, September 27.
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Weekly progress meetings for the Central Business District construction project are held on Thursdays at 8:30 a.m. at the construction office located at 201 E. Chicago Street. Business and property owners are invited to attend the first 15 minutes of the meeting if they have any questions or concerns regarding the construction.
Specific questions regarding the construction may be directed to Shelley Costello with TranSystems at 847-871-3185.
For general information on the project, please contact Joe Evers at 847-931-5955 or visit the City's website at and click the Gettin' Around in Downtown icon.
6 years ago