The City has permanently closed the parking lot on Prairie Street, across from the Prairie Rock Brewery. It will also close the parking lot south of the Crocker Theatre.
The City’s parking lot on Prairie Street, across from the Prairie Rock Brewery, will be permanently closed effective May 4, as the City begins construction on the River Park Place Townhomes.
The City’s parking lot south of the Crocker Theatre building also will be closed to the public beginning May 30th as the City prepares for the demolition of the Crocker building.
Employees and clients who currently park in these lots can park in the angled parking spaces recently created along South Grove Street and Prairie Street or in other off-street lots throughout the Center City area. The City of Elgin monthly parking permits will be honored at these alternative sites. The city will monitor the parking situation on a daily basis and work with the Downtown Neighborhood Association to make modifications as warranted.
City employees are encouraged to park in alternate city owned public lots to help free on-street parking for visitors, clients and customers.
“Center City is undergoing a facelift,” said David Lawry, general services group director. “Parking will be inconvenient but the end result will be beneficial to the entire City of Elgin.”
For additional information contact Lawry at 847-931-5961.
6 years ago