Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Rediscover Downtown Elgin Walking Tour

This Thursday, August 20, 2-3pm, Steve Munson, Downtown Neighborhood Association board members and business owner will be leading the second walking tour of the summer through Downtown Elgin, specifically around the Harvest Market on Division, E. Highland, and North Grove. Tour goers will be lead through historic buildings like the Professional Building and the old, old Gail Borden Public Library; step into tasty restaurants like La Quebrada, La Puesta Del Sol, Quiznos, Domani Café, Gasthaus; experience the retail and services by visiting The Razor’s Edge and Artistic Framing & Supply. The public is welcome to enjoy this free event by meeting at the Harvest Market location, Civic Center parking lot, corner of Douglas Avenue and East Highland. In case of rain bring an umbrella, as most of the tour will be inside. For more information contact Jennifer at 847.488.1456 or e-mail jbenson@elginil.org. The next Rediscover Downtown Elgin walking tour will be September 17, same time and place.

Harvest Market Goes Americana this Thursday

The Downtown Elgin Harvest Market will be hosting its monthly mini-fest with an “Americana” theme this Thursday, August 20, 10am – 4pm. Live entertainment, a cooking demo, and Cow Chip Bingo will set the tone of the mini fest that day. The market is located at the Civic Parking lot in Downtown Elgin (the corner of E. Highland and Douglas Ave.) and is held every Thursday from 10am – 4pm until October 8. The following opportunities and activities will be offered at this “Americana” themed market:

• Cow Chip Bingo
Two cows from a local farm will be let into a pen at 1pm with 132 chalk squares. The first chip to fall will make one person a lucky winner of the “Basket of Bounty” – a basket filled with items from all of the market vendors. To buy your square before 1pm either go to the Downtown Neighborhood Association at 2 Douglas Avenue between 8:30am – 5pm or on Thursday buy them between 10am – 1pm at the market site.

• Entertainment & Art
Enjoy music between noon – 2pm by the Fox River Trio, a folk band featuring locals Paris Donehoo, Beth Iverson, Steve Stauffacher, and John Kauffman. Also during that time will be The Savino Sisters who help sell produce at the Twin Garden Farm booth. The five sister names are Elizabeth (Savino) Nye, Dana, Caitlin, Stephanie, and Gianna Savino. Also there will be an outdoor exhibit of work by artist Deborah Erica Clarkson.

• In the Activate Elgin Booth:
Be sure to stop by at noon for a Cooking demo with Chef Virginia Lopez who will be cooking Grilled Veggie Quesadillas, be sure to get some tips and samples. The City of Elgin will also have information on hand at this booth before and after.

• In the Elgin Climate Change Organization booth:
The Elgin Public Museum will have a weather presentation for kids along with ECCO’s information.

• In the Harvest Market Sponsor Booth: Chiro One Wellness Centers
Get feedback and questions answered with these chiropractic professionals.

• Buy a Harvest Market or Rediscover Downtown Elgin T-shirt (Med – XXL) for $10 or a Tote Bag for $1 while supplies last.

The Downtown Elgin Harvest Market is organized by the Downtown Neighborhood Association (DNA), and partners Activate Elgin, Elgin Community Network (ECN) and Elgin Climate Change Organization (ECCO). The Harvest Market’s main sponsor is Alexian Brothers Hospital Network and supporting sponsors are Chiro One Wellness Centers, Lifetime Health & Wellness Inc., and Rominski Active Healthcare.
For more information about upcoming activities, vendors, etc. contact Jennifer by calling 847.488.1456, e-mailing jbenson@elginil.org.