The Downtown Neighborhood Association invites you to join us this Thursday, September 29 from 10AM-4PM at the Old Library Lot, 200 N. Grove Avenue, for our final Downtown Elgin Harvest Market of the 2011 season.
Here are some of the activities planned for this week at the market:
* Jamlady Book Signing - All Day - our very own Jamlady, Beverly Alfeld, will be selling and signing copies of her books: The Jamlady Cookbook, a resource cookbook for the canner, gardener, gourmet chef, and health-conscious person; and Pickles to Relish, an encyclopedic cookbook with an ethnobotanical approach to cooking, canning, and living.
* City of Elgin Booth – The Centre of Elgin - information about their fall and winter services and programs.
* Chiro One Wellness Center Booth – information and free screenings for your overall health and wellness.
* Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore – information and more.
* ECCO/ECN’s Sustainable Booth – free CFL’s and learn about various ways to lessen your carbon footprint at home and work.
* Community Booth: Gail Borden Public Library - materials and promotion of upcoming library events, including the library's Hispanic Heritage month activities.
For more information about the Downtown Elgin Harvest Market, contact Harvest Market Manager Jennifer Benson at 847-488-1456 or e-mail ElginHarvestMarket@gmail.com.