Harvest Market Relocated This Thursday Due to ConstructionThe intersection of Highland Avenue and Douglas Avenue will be completely closed beginning approximately 5:00 A.M. on Thursday, August 12 to allow for reconstruction of the pavement through the intersection. Pavement removal, grading, framing and pouring the new pavement will occur on Thursday and Friday. On Monday, August 16, temporary asphalt will be placed over the new concrete base and the intersection will be re-opened as soon as the asphalt has time to properly cool. Complete closure of the intersection allows the work to be completed within a five day time frame as opposed to approximately four weeks if the construction was staged and traffic allowed through the intersection during the reconstruction period.
Local access to businesses on Highland and Douglas will be maintained via detoured traffic patterns through the Civic Center Parking Lot and through the alley that runs behind the properties on Douglas Avenue.
Click here for Detour Map > > >Due to traffic being redirected through the Civic Center Parking Lot, the Harvest Market will be relocated on Thursday, August 12 to the former Gail Borden Library Parking Lot, on the southwest corner of Kimball and N. Grove, across from the Centre. Market hours that day will be 10AM to 4PM.
Streetscape Work Continues on Highland
Work on Phase 4 streetscape improvements continues during the week of Aug. 9, 2010. New curb and gutter was placed along the east side of Grove Court, the north side of Highland Avenue from Grove Court to Center Street and on the east and west sides of Spring Street between Highland Avenue and Division Street. Work continues on installing new street light wiring, traffic signal cable, planter boxes, new colored sidewalk and brick paver fields. Weather permitting, this stage of the work is expected to be completed by the end of August.
On Tuesday, August 10, reconstruction of a manhole in the intersection of Highland Avenue and Douglas Avenue will take place. Traffic will be directed through the construction by construction personnel. Motorists are asked to use caution through the work zone.
Weekly Progress Meetings
Weekly progress meetings for the Central Business District construction project are held on Thursdays at 8:30 a.m. at the construction office located at 201 E. Chicago Street. Business and property owners are invited to attend the first 15 minutes of the meeting if they have any questions or concerns regarding the construction.
Specific questions regarding the construction may be directed to Shelley Costello with TranSystems at 847-871-3185.
For general information on the project, please contact Joe Evers at 847-931-5955 or visit the City's website at www.cityofelgin.org and click the Gettin' Around in Downtown icon.