If you think you have what it takes to be Elgin’s first FoxFireFest Idol winner, don’t miss the chance to try-out to compete at this summer’s Concert Series at Wing Park. The City of Elgin has extended the deadline for the following categories 14-18; 19 and older, and even created a new category for bands! Be ready to take the stage to compete between 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m., prior to the regularly scheduled 7:00 p.m. concerts on July 10th (14-18 years old), July 17th (19 and older), and July 24th (bands) call right now there is limited availability. It is a first come first serve basis!
Contestants must provide their own music and accompaniment. At each concert, two semi-finalists will be selected from each of these categories to move on to the final competition taking place at FoxFireFest on August 3-5 in Festival Park. Contestants will be judged by a panel of judges made up of FoxFireFest sponsors, in combination with an at-large popular vote. Winners will win prizes and have the opportunity to perform at the Sunday night FoxFireFest concert.
There is a $5 non-refundable fee for all participants. Applications are now available online at the City of Elgin website www.cityofelgin.org on the special events page, and will also be available at the Centre and City Hall. For more information, contact the Special Events office at 847-531-7056.
FoxFireFest is sponsored through the generous donations of the 2007 Special Event Season Sponsors; Comcast, The Daily Herald and The Riverfront Action Committee, as well as the “Candlelight” event sponsors- PanCor and LaSalle Bank. For updated details on FoxFireFest, check the city website at www.cityofelgin.org.
6 years ago