The Media, Science, and Fine Arts Center--a major building in the center the of the Academy’s Hilltop Campus--assumes the highest priority for facilities improvements that will be instrumental in helping the school accomplish its goals.
The building is designed as an environmentally sensitive, LEED-certified structure under the criteria of the U.S. Green Building Council. It will be a “campus hub” while serving the needs of every student in Early Childhood, Lower, Middle, and Upper Schools.
The Academy anticipates construction of the Center at the corner of Dundee Avenue and Kimball Street. The facility will encompass approximately 42,300 square feet on four levels. It is designed to meet a variety of needs for all students, from preschool through twelfth grade.
· A new Library will provide ample space to increase the print and electronic collections that compliment the EA curriculum and will be fully integrated with the computer technology resources of the Academy.
· The Fine Arts Department and virtually all Fine Arts activities will be served by the new Center. The Black Box Theatre will serve the needs of all EA students, as well as providing performance space for many community performing arts groups who will rent the space.
· New state-of-the-art Science and Math Labs will serve Middle and Upper School students.
The new Center will spark many other beneficial changes and will create new opportunities to use space in Edwards, Sears, and North Halls. The greatest changes will occur in Sears Hall where several classrooms are being renovated, lockers replaced, and bathrooms remodeled. Changes in North Hall include converting the art rooms to Preschool and Lower School classrooms. Changes in Edwards Hall include enlarging the computer lab and renovating science classrooms.
Spring 2007 Groundbreaking for the new Center, and construction begins
August 2008 Occupancy of New Media, Science, and Fine Arts Center
Go to the Elgin Academy web site for more information.