Adirondacks-Thrones of Summer 2011 is directed by the Elgin Community Network in partnership with the Gail Borden Public Library, City of Elgin, Elgin Climate Change Organization, Elgin Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Neighborhood Association and Elgin's businesses, corporations, restaurants, public agencies, schools, churches, community groups and not-for profits. The event is completely volunteer driven and free to the public!
Once again ECN is asking the community to enthusiastically embrace the imaginative Thrones just as they did the Rain Barrels, Bicycles On Parade, and Dinos. They are asking you to be a part of this extraordinary project and create a fanciful work of art using a simple, oversized adirondack chair as the canvas.
These artful entertainment pieces will be
· Displayed throughout the community during June
· Be a part of Gail Borden's Midsummer Knight's Read
· On the float in the City of Elgin's 2011 4th of July Parade
· Showcased in July and voted on at the library
· Exhibited & auctioned off at Elgin's largest art festival, Art & Soul on the Fox/Passeggiata on July 31
At less than $3 a day, this is a great way for you to advertise your identity. The exposure is immense and ongoing from June to August.
The deadline to participate is Tuesday, March 15. There will be a colossal, eco-friendly, medieval kickoff slated for Saturday, April 23 at Gail Borden Public Library.
The DNA encourages all of our downtown businesses to participate in this excellent promotional opportunity which enhances and enriches our community.
For more information, please download the Adirondacks-Thrones of Summer 2011 application by clicking here!
Again, please submit your completed application and fee by Tuesday, March 15.
For more information, contact Sigi Psimenos at 312.953.8216 or email sigiusa@yahoo.com
Once again ECN is asking the community to enthusiastically embrace the imaginative Thrones just as they did the Rain Barrels, Bicycles On Parade, and Dinos. They are asking you to be a part of this extraordinary project and create a fanciful work of art using a simple, oversized adirondack chair as the canvas.
These artful entertainment pieces will be
· Displayed throughout the community during June
· Be a part of Gail Borden's Midsummer Knight's Read
· On the float in the City of Elgin's 2011 4th of July Parade
· Showcased in July and voted on at the library
· Exhibited & auctioned off at Elgin's largest art festival, Art & Soul on the Fox/Passeggiata on July 31
At less than $3 a day, this is a great way for you to advertise your identity. The exposure is immense and ongoing from June to August.
The deadline to participate is Tuesday, March 15. There will be a colossal, eco-friendly, medieval kickoff slated for Saturday, April 23 at Gail Borden Public Library.
The DNA encourages all of our downtown businesses to participate in this excellent promotional opportunity which enhances and enriches our community.
For more information, please download the Adirondacks-Thrones of Summer 2011 application by clicking here!
Again, please submit your completed application and fee by Tuesday, March 15.
For more information, contact Sigi Psimenos at 312.953.8216 or email sigiusa@yahoo.com