Saturday, April 25, 2009

Manhole Covers or Missile Silos

There are at least 13 manhole covers in a one block stretch of Douglas Ave in Elgin. Is there really a need for that many or are some actually covers for missile silos?

Friday, April 24, 2009

Belated Blog Anniversary

Missed it again. March 11th was the Downtown Elgin blog's 4th anniversary.
Four years and 380 posts ago... no, I'm not making a speech.
Just think back to 2005.
Facebook was a year old. It was for kids then.
Twitter didn't exist. We didn't know a tweet from a twit. A Tweetup, forget about it.
What did we do with our time?
Interesting enough, the first post was Fulton Street will be closed until late November.
Sound familiar?
Here's to another year and working to make a difference.