Thursday, August 18th
What: Harvest Market
Time: 12 to 6 pm
Where: Civic Center parking lot at the corner of Highland and Grove
Friday, August 19th
What: Deadline for the United Way Day of Caring
Volunteers are needed to help your community and the downtown!! If you haven't signed up with the United Way yet for a project let us give you some ideas. Three projects that are in or very close to our Downtown are still in need of volunteers. Please look below and contact DNA so that we may form a group to go help with at least one of these projects.
1) Boys and Girls Club of Elgin Code #1 - 355 Dundee Ave. - Needs to be scraped and painted
Skills & Supplies: Painting experience, ladders, any painting equipment
Full day project - # of Volunteers needed: 12-24 people
2) Near West Neighbors Association Code #12 - North side of W. Chicago Street between State St. and North Crystal Street - Brush Clean-up
Skills & Supplies: small chain saw, rakes, work gloves
Half day project - # of Volunteers needed: 10-20 people
3) Wellington Neighborhood Code #26 - Lower Wellington - Operation Clean Sweep
Skills and Supplies: Garden Gloves, small chain saw, rakes, weed whackers
Half day project - # of Volunteers needed 40-5)
Saturday, August 20th
What: Saturday Night at the Movies
Presented by the City of Elgin and the Cultural Arts Commission. "The Adventures of Robin Hood" Errol Flynn at his best. It's free. Bring a chair or blanket. Consessions by DNA.
Time: 8pm
Where: Hemmens south lawn
6 years ago