Below is a list of Elgin Bike to Work Week events between June 11-18 (all events are free unless noted)
Click here to download Elgin Bike to Work Week Printable Poster
Saturday 6/11
9:00 am–Noon
Bike Donation Drive - The BPAC will collect bikes at the Centre and then send them to Working Bikes Cooperative, where most will be repaired and sent to areas/countries in need of bikes for transportation.
Sunday 6/12
6:00 am–3:30 pm
Bike for Life Ride in rural Kane County - A fund raiser for school bike racks. Fee involved. Register at www.cityofelgin.org/bikes
Monday 6/13
6:30 pm–8:00 pm
Local historian, Jerry Turnquist, will lead a bike tour through the Elgin Historic District. Meet at Old Main, 360 Park Street.
Tuesday 6/14
6:00 pm
Join a bike fitness class for a 90-minute ride on the Fox River Trail. Meet at the Centre.
Wednesday 6/15
Celebratory lunch for bike commuters at noon on Walton Island, sponsored by the Elgin Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee. Rain date is Friday, 6/17. Reservations are required. Call 847 931 6788
Wednesday 6/1
7:00 pm
The Bicycle Garage will conduct a bike education/repair clinic at the Gail Borden Public Library.
Thursday 6/16
7:30 am
Breakfast ride with the Mayor - Meet in front of City Hall and ride for 30 minutes before stopping for coffee at Ravenheart Café in Downtown Elgin.
Thursday 6/16
The Bicycle Garage will conduct a bike education/repair clinic at the Harvest Market in Downtown Elgin.
Friday 6/17
6:45 pm
Matt Wilhelm, X-Games Medalist will perform a BMX trick bike show at the “old library” parking lot in downtown.
Friday 6/17
8:00 pm
Watch the movie “Chasing Legends” in The Centre ballroom.
Saturday 6/18
Noon–5 pm
Avoid the traffic in the area of the boat races by biking to the event and securing your bike at the bike corral sponsored by the BPAC. Donation requested.
- Bike to the Gail Borden Public Library and get $5.00 worth of late fees waived and a coupon for a free drink with a purchase from Chicago Gourmet Cafe.
- Visit the bike display at GBPL, including a typical commuter bicycle outfitted by Main Street
-Bikes and history of biking in Elgin presented by the Elgin Area Historical Society.
- Take advantage of the new bike loan program at the Eastside Recreation Center. Call Aaron at 847-888-1989 for details
- Free showers at the Centre for bike commuters.
- Attend any event and get a free water bottle, sponsored by Elgin BPAC, Elgin Community Network and The Bicycle Garage
- Locate the BPAC sponsored “Thrones of Summer” decorated chair along the bike path.
Please contact Paul Bednar, BPAC staff coordinator at 847-931-6788 with any questions, or go to www.cityofelgin.org/bikes for more information.