The City of Elgin formulated a reimbursement program for downtown business owners adversely affected by the recent Center City street reconstruction.
Businesses located within the geographic area bounded by Grove Avenue to the west, Dexter Avenue to the north, Prairie Avenue to south and Center/Villa Streets to the east may apply for reimbursement for losses incurred between October 1, 2006-November 30, 2006.
Affected businesses will be required to verify the amount of the loss by completing and returning a reimbursement form and supporting documentation to City Hall. City staff will assess the total amount of loss from all businesses and provide that information to City Council for action.
Application forms are available from the City of Elgin Finance Department at City Hall, or the Downtown Neighborhood Association (DNA) offices at the Tower Building, 2 Douglas Avenue. Forms will also be available from the city website at or the DNA website.
Completed forms and documentation must be received or post marked by February 16, 2007 to the City of Elgin Finance Department. For questions regarding the rebate, please contact Mary at 847-931-5625 or email
Links to newspaper articles:
Courier News
Daily Herald
6 years ago