Saturday, December 03, 2005

Rebuilding Place in the Urban Space: Seattle neighborhood looks forward carefully, lessons for us?

What can we learn from others? Redevelopment in Seattle and Washington DC. This post Rebuilding Place in the Urban Space: Seattle neighborhood looks forward carefully, lessons for us? compares development in Seattle and Washington DC and has a great Google Map of one Washington DC neighborhood. I find Rebuilding Place in the Urban Space and the Northfield Downtown Development Corporation as great resources for learning what is happening in other communities and how we can learn from them as we strive to redevelop downtown Elgin.

1 comment:

rick said...

Great post. Northfield is definitely a model for civic initiative. I'm especially impressed by NCO, an online project they began well before the Internet became a mass phenomenon. remains a good model for what sites like the Elginite are trying to do, create civic dialogue and a sense of community based on a common place.