The National Weather Service has issued a Blizzard Warning, from this Tuesday afternoon through this Wednesday afternoon, for the entire North Central and Northeast section of Illinois (including Cook and Kane Counties) as well as a Hazardous Weather Outlook Warning for the next few days with heavy snow accumulations, strong winds, white-out conditions and sub-zero temperatures.
The Downtown Neighborhood Association would like to make you aware of some news regarding the City's snow removal plans as well as some precautions and measures we recommend you take in preparation for this weather event:
• The City of Elgin has informed us that the priority, first and foremost, will be to clear roads. As such, city crews will not be able to address snow removal on downtown city sidewalks for quite some time after this week's blizzard event. In general, responsiveness to all snow removal other than main roads will be delayed.
• With such a large accumulation of snow expected after the close of business on Tuesday, the clean-up on Wednesday will be especially difficult and will likely continue through the end of the week. We encourage downtown business and property owners to work together, lending a hand where needed and sharing resources, such as snow blowers.
• As a reminder, you may pile your snow on the curb line. We ask that you please not throw the snow into the street. As stated, the city crew's ability to remove the piles on the curb will be delayed.
• With temperatures expected to plummet Wednesday night into the sub-zero range, we ask that you keep your sidewalks salted through the weekend to help keep the build-up of dangerous ice on sidewalks to a minimum.
• The snow accumulation will also make parking on downtown streets very challenging. We encourage you to park in city surface lots or in the decks at Symphony, Spring or Fulton. Remember that street parking between 4 and 6AM is prohibited.
Questions or concerns regarding snow and ice control during the event can be directed to the Public Works Department through the city's 24 hour Snow Command Center by calling 847-931-5977 or by emailing the Snow Command Center at
We appreciate your patience and cooperation in this effort.
Local Online Resources: - City of Elgin's website - City of Elgin's Facebook page - School District U-46 website - DNA's Facebook page - Weather Channel website
6 years ago
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