Saturday, April 02, 2005

First Crane of the Season Spotted

It was a nice day for a walk so I took some photos as I ran my errands.

This will beome a familiar site for several years as the construction cranes dot the downtown Elgin skyline. The first one is at the site of the Fulton Street parking deck. Next up is the Fountain Square development on the NBD site and The River Park Place condo on the Crocker site.

A view from the bend in Riverside Drive towards the River Park Place townhomes. The Phase I Festival Park improvements are shown in the foreground.

I ran into David Vargas at the Rancho Vargas sidewalk sale. We discussed the new developments along South Grove. The staff at Al’s Café was out getting some air and enjoying the sunshine before the lunch crowd came in.

A stop at Simple yeilded an impluse buy and friendly conversation.

I ended the journey at the Centre to take in the Home Expo. Octavio at the DNA info booth.

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